Live online times

Click the link below to go to our live times pages. Our upload depends on a 3G broadband signal - if we can't get one we can't upload times. If we are running two events on one day we can only upload times from one of them, apologies if you're looking for times from the event we're not uploading.
If you have any comments or questions (or polite advice) please come and see us. We can be found asleep near the start line.

Time can be found at

 NEW for 2021
We have a new website that displays all of the times for the current event in the same format that we would normally print on bits of paper (not allowed any more!) and put on the event notice board.  It's a bit clunky but if you scroll to the bottom of the page there's next page and previous page type links to enable you to scroll through the pages. It's updated every 15 minutes unlike the Live times website (which is updated every minute) so you might not see your times right away. 
It can be found at
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